Research Publications
- Yu, Y., Sintim, H.Y., Astner, A.F., Hayes, D.G., Bary, A., Zelenyuk, A., Qafoku, O., Kovarik, L., Flury, M., 2022. Enhanced transport of TiO2 in unsaturated sand and soil after release from biodegradable plastic during composting. Environ. Sci. Technol. (in press).
- Sintim, H.Y., Bandopadhyay, S., English, M.E., Bary, A., Liquet y González, J.E., DeBruyn, J.M., Schaeffer, S.M., Miles, C.A., Flury, M., 2021. Four years of continuous use of soil-biodegradable plastic mulch: impact on soil and groundwater quality. Geoderma 381, 114665.
- Kusi, N.Y.O., Lewis, K.L., Morgan, G.D., Ritchie, G.L., Deb, S.K., Stevens, R.D., Sintim, H.Y., 2021. Cotton cultivar response to potassium fertilizer application in Texas’ southern high plains. Agron. J. 113, 5436–5453.
- Kusi, N.Y.O., Stevens, W.B., Sintim, H.Y., Garcia y Garcia, A., Mesbah, A.O., 2021. Phosphorus fertilization and enhanced efficiency products effects on sugarbeet. Ind. Crops Prod. 171, 113887.
- Anunciado, M.B., Hayes, D.G., Wadsworth, L.C., English, M.E., Schaeffer, S.M., Sintim, H.Y., Flury, M., 2021. Impact of agricultural weathering on physicochemical properties of biodegradable plastic mulch films: comparison of two diverse climates over four successive years. J. Polym. Environ. 29, 1–16.
- Sintim, H.Y., Bary, A.I., Hayes, D.G., Wadsworth, L.C., Anunciado, M.B., English, M.E., Bandopadhyay, S., Schaeffer, S.M., DeBruyn, J.M., Miles, C.A., Reganold, J.P., Flury, M., 2020. In situ degradation of biodegradable plastic mulch films in compost and agricultural soils. Sci. Total Environ. 727, 138668.
- Bandopadhyay, S., Sintim, H.Y., DeBruyn, J.M., 2020. Effects of biodegradable plastic film mulching on soil microbial communities in two agroecosystems. PeerJ 8, e9015.
- Sintim, H.Y., Bary, A.I., Hayes, D.G., English, M.E., Schaeffer, S.M., Miles, C.A., Zelenyuk, A., Suski, K., Flury, M., 2019. Release of micro- and nanoparticles from biodegradable plastic during in situ composting. Sci. Total Environ. 675, 686–693.
- Sintim, H.Y., Bandopadhyay, S., English, M.E., Bary, A.I., DeBruyn, J.M., Schaeffer, S.M., Miles, C.A., Reganold, J.P., Flury, M., 2019. Impacts of biodegradable plastic mulches on soil health. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 273, 36–49.
- Shahzad, K., Bary, A.I., Collins, D.P., Chalker-Scott, L., Abid, M., Sintim, H.Y., Flury, M., 2019. Carbon dioxide and oxygen exchange at the soil-atmosphere boundary as affected by various mulch materials. Soil Tillage Res. 194, 104335.
- Shahzad, K., Abid, M., Sintim, H.Y., Hussain, S., Nasim, W., 2019. Tillage and biochar effects on wheat productivity under arid conditions. Crop Sci. 59, 1–9.