Beltwide Nitrogen Refinement

This is a multi-regional project initiated by Cotton Incorporated to improve the prediction of cotton yield response to nitrogen applications across cotton-growing areas in the United States.

Most nitrogen trials on cotton focus solely on yield and quality response to applied nitrogen rate, and do not account for the variations in soil type, environmental conditions, cropping systems (tillage, rotation, tillage, cover crop, etc.), irrigation, or pre-plant residual nitrates. Thus, there are confounding results and nitrogen rate recommendations that should be applied on a given farm with a specific soil type and cropping systems have not been developed.

Dr. John Snider’s Cotton Physiology Lab and the H.SINTIMLAB are collaborators on the project for the state of Georgia. The refinement of nitrogen recommendation will improve grower profitability and decrease the detrimental impacts of nitrogen forms on the environment.

We appreciate Cotton Incorporated for funding and BASF and Bayer AG for providing some resources for the project.